
Generic Wording Disclaimer

“The foregoing is intended solely for qualified, professional investors, as may be required by law, and is not intended for, and should not be used by, persons who do not meet the relevant requirements. Information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell (or solicitation of an offer to purchase) the securities or investments referenced herein, or provide any particular advisory services (“Offer”). Any Offer shall only be made through the relevant offering or other documentation which sets forth its material terms and conditions. The foregoing does not provide or purport to provide investment advice and has been prepared by the Company based on or derived from sources the Company reasonably believes to be reliable. The Company has not independently examined or verified the information provided herein and no representation is made that it is accurate or complete. Opinions and information herein are subject to change without notice.“

When a memorandum is more related to a more specific product, the disclaimer would be similar to the following:

“No invitation to offer, or offer for, or sale of, the  [ shares/ product ]  will be made to the public in or by any means that would be deemed public under the applicable laws and regulations. The information relating to the [ shares/ product]  contained in this Memorandum has not been submitted to or approved by the any relevant governmental authority. The [shares/ product] may only be offered or sold to investors that are authorized to buy and sell securities. Potential investors are responsible for obtaining all relevant approvals from the relevant government authorities where applicable.”